
Special Educational Needs - Local Offer

We are here to support you and your child with any concerns or additional needs your child may have.

How does the setting know if my child needs extra help?

When you start at Dragonflies you will have opportunity to share any concerns you have with your child’s keyworker. We also complete a 2-year check and baseline assessment which is a great way to check all is on track. Your child’s keyworker works hard to get to know them and their interests. Through observations and assessments, the settings SENCO can monitor development and quickly pick up any concerns and work with the key person to identify any areas to work on.

How will my child be supported?

Alongside the child’s keyworker the settings experienced SENCO will monitor the progress of individual children and help plan support. We have experience and training in areas of special needs and any areas in which children may need additional support and can seek external help if necessary, for further support and information. For example, SALT, Portage and OT’s. We meet with parents regularly to update on progress, next steps and the key person, SENCO or management team are always available to discuss any concerns.

How will the curriculum be matched to my child’s needs?

At Dragonflies we recognise that every child is an individual, so each child’s keyworker will get to know them and track their progress using the EYFS. From this the keyworkers can flag up any areas of concern or where a little extra support may be needed, and plan next steps with assistance from the SENCO. This can cover any number of areas, from speech and communication, to toileting and sensory sensitivity. Using the child’s personal interests, activities can be differentiated to suit each individual child. Regular observations and IEPs will be shared with parents and will inform of progress and next steps and allow all staff to support and guide children in any particular area.

How will I know how my child is doing?

At the start and end of every day we do a short verbal handover and we welcome parents in to discuss any parenting or progress issues. Each child has an individual learning journey on their Famly (online software used by Dragonflies) profile which includes observations and assessments from Nursery but also an opportunity for you to add wow moments from home too. This is because we realise you are your child’s first educator and we value your input, working alongside you ensures your child had the best support at home and in the setting.

What support will there be for my child’s overall wellbeing?

Jackie is our SenCo and is first port of call with any concerns you may have. She will work with you to create a positive action plan to help your child in any way necessary, and feed this back to the team so that everyone works together to provide consistency. She works closely with all staff to find ways to support all children in any areas they may need it. She will also liase with outside agencies as appropriate. She attends regular training and continues to update her knowledge through further training and local authority provider briefings.

If your child requires medication whilst attending Dragonflies, you will be asked to complete a medication form, detailing what the medication is and what it is for, and confirmation of how it should be administered, how much and when. If a child has more specific medical needs, for example, requires an EpiPen, we work with parents to ensure staff have relevant training, sometimes working with the health visiting team or other outside agencies to ensure we are able to meet the child's needs.

Our whole team attend training in safeguarding and review this knowledge regularly. We also have paediatric first aid training and food hygiene as a basis for our ongoing training in all areas, with all staff completing courses to supplement this and enhance and support the wellbeing of our children.

What specialist services and expertise are available?

The team at Dragonflies have qualifications including Level 3, Level 5 and primary teaching including QTS (Qualified Teacher Status). Everyone regularly undertakes further professional development in many areas, such as EYFS, SEND, outdoor learning and extended safeguarding (Female Genital Mutilation and the PREVENT duty, as just two examples.)

All staff are First Aid and safeguarding trained, with most staff holding a full Paediatric First Aid certificate. The SENCO and DSL regularly attends support meetings to keep up to date with current legislation. We have access to support from Hampshire who can advise on any further support should we need it.

How will my child be included in activities outside the classroom?

All of our activities are planned by the children’s keyworkers, who use careful planning to ensure they are suitable for each child. Should the need arise we are able to adapt our ratios to ensure all children can access the same opportunities. The SENCO can work alongside the keyperson to plan and check the risk assessments to ensure all health and safety requirements are met and planning and preparation is key.

How accessible is the setting?

The Nursery is situated in a purpose built, one level storey building. It caters for children aged 2 to 4 years and has 1 main room. There are doors allowing access to a large, enclosed safe garden. There are nappy changing facilities and the toilets are child size, clean and modern. All indoor and outdoor equipment is safe, child size and checked regularly for defects, with risk and health and safety checks made daily for suitability.

How will the setting prepare and support my child in joining and the next stage of education?

We welcome new starters to look around the setting, to get a feel for the nursery and ask questions.  Once you are happy and have been offered a place we will offer settling in sessions where you can stay with your child and play alongside them, whilst the staff get to know you and your child. We also offer a short session for your child to attend without you to allow them to start bonding with the staff. We ask you to fill out "All About Me" paperwork so we learn about your child, their favourite things, sleep times and foods they eat. During this time, you’ll also meet your child’s key worker.

If your child is joining us from another setting we welcome contact and happily liaise to share learning journeys.

When starting school, we work to help the children to prepare for the change. Talking to local schools and inviting them into the setting where possible, as well as dressing up in school uniform, reading stories about starting schools are just a few of the ways that help prepare a child for the changes ahead.

The SENCO works closely with infant schools, sharing IEPs (Individual Education Plans) and behaviour plans, and can support parents as well as children during this time of change.

How is the settings resources allocated and matched to children’s needs?

The setting buys new resources as and when the need arises but, in some cases, we can also access SEND funding. The child’s keyworker and SENCO will look closely at any resources that will help aid the child’s learning and with the parents input look at how best the funding, if allocated, should be spent.

How is the decision made about what type and how much support my child will receive?

When a child starts at Dragonflies the keyworker will observe, assess and share their finding with the SENCO. Then alongside the parents a plan will be made. At all times the parents will be in partnership, helping to make decisions. Sometimes outside agencies will be used to help ensure the best progress is made. Observations, IEPs and assessments will help us keep track of progress and decide if and when the support can stop.  IEP's (Individual Education Plan's) are a more targeted form of next steps, which enable the whole staff team to work together to provide support for the child in a cohesive and streamlined manner.

How are parents involved in the setting?

We encourage parents to be involved in the nursery by contributing to the learning journey; adding wow moments, keeping us updated with any family changes and adding pictures of any days out or trips away so the children can share these with us and their peers.

Joining us on social events such as leavers parties and helping with the nursery environment; bringing in resources and helping keep the outside area tidy and well stocked.

At times we may invite you in to discuss your child's progress to ensure we are meeting your child's needs and to share any ideas or strategies we think might help your child further, working together to ensure the very best outcome for your child.

Parents are invited to express their views and opinions and we like to think we have a good relationship with our parents, welcoming feedback in person and through questionnaires  as we are always looking to reflect on our practices and improve our services.

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