Prices & Funding

Day Nursery Prices

Full Day (8am to 6pm): £68 includes a hot lunch and snacks
Half Day am (9am-1pm): £40 includes a hot lunch and snack
Half day pm (1pm-5pm): £38 includes snack
Long morning session (9am-2pm): £50 includes a hot lunch and snack
"School day" session (9am-3pm): £60 includes a hot lunch and snacks
Additional hours: £10.00 per hour

Please note, if your child's hours are fully covered by funding, a daily consumables fee will be charged, which covers a hot lunch and dessert, snacks and many other consumables such as sun cream, wipes, external activities and visits from outside agencies and additional high quality experiences to enhance our provision.

Consumables fee by session:
AM session (9-1): £7.90
PM session (1-5): £5.40
9-2 session: £9.25
9-3 session: £10.60
All day: £13.50

Please note, the consumables fee is ONLY applicable if ALL of your child's hours are covered by funding

We ask that children attend a minimum of two half sessions a week, as we find this helps them to settle much more easily.

We are open all year round apart from Bank Holidays Christmas Eve and the week between Christmas and New Year.

Out of School Club Prices
Breakfast Club (7.15am-8.40am): £8.00 includes breakfast
After School Club (3.15pm-6pm): £14.00 includes snack
Holiday Club (8am-6pm): £38.00 includes snacks, please bring packed lunch

Help with childcare costs

Childcare can be a costly business.  Luckily, there are some schemes that can help.

Early Years Education Funding - Universal Offer

All three and four year olds are entitled to free, part time early education through Hampshire County Council's Early Years Education (EYE) funding. This equates to 570 hours for a child's eligible birth year. Dragonflies Day Nursery provides this through two different offers, depending on whether your child attends year round, or term time only. 

Standard Offer - this applies to children who attend nursery on a term time only basis and equates to 15 hours a week for 38 weeks of the year.

Stretched Offer - this applies to children who attend nursery all year round and equates to 11 hours per week, up to a total of 570 hours per year. 

In both instances, a child becomes eligible for EYE funding at the beginning of the term AFTER their third birthday. We deal with the application process for you and will give you a form to sign each time an application is made.  Further details can be found by pressing the button below, which will take you to Hampshire County Council's website. 
EYE Funding (HCC)
Early Years Education - Extended Offer

Some 3 and 4 year olds may be eligible for the extended EYE funding, which allows children to receive 30 hours a week funding over 38 weeks, or 22 hours a week if stretched all year round. Certain criteria apply, including how many hours you work and your income.  To check if you are eligible for this, please click the button below to be taken to the Childcare Choices website, where you will be guided through the application process.  If you qualify, you will be given a code which you need to give to us, along with your National Insurance number.  You will need to reconfirm your eligibility on the Childcare Choices website every 3 months to continue receiving the extended offer.  Please note, your code can only be applied the term AFTER you receive it, and can't be applied mid term, so please make sure you apply in good time and get the code to us before the end of term to use it during the next term.  We are always on hand to help if you need us.
Funding for 2 year olds

Some 2 year olds are also eligible for EYE funding (15 hours a week if term time only, 11 hours a week if all year round). Please click the button below to be taken to the Childcare Choices website for more information and to see if you might be eligible. 
If you qualify, you will be given a code which you need to give to us, along with your National Insurance number. You will need to reconfirm your eligibility on the Childcare Choices website every 3 months to continue receiving the funding. Please note, your code can only be applied the term AFTER you receive it, and can't be applied mid term, so please make sure you apply in good time and get the code to us before the end of term in order to use it during the next term. 

2 year old funding
Please note, if every hour your child attends is covered by funding, a consumables charge will be applied to cover a hot lunch, snacks and many other areas, such as art materials, resources, maintenance and supplies.

Early Years Pupil Premium

In addition to this, some 3 & 4 year olds whose families are in receipt of certain benefits may be eligible for the Early Years Pupil Premium. Please click the button below to be taken to Hampshire County Council's website for more information. If you believe you may be eligible for EYPP, please fill in the appropriate section of the EYE funding application form which we will provide you with.

Early Years Pupil Premium

Tax Free Childcare

The government has a scheme whereby working parents with children under 12 (or under 17 if disabled)
can open a TFC account where for every £8 you pay in, the government will add an extra £2.  To check if you might benefit from this, please click the button below, which will take you to the Childcare Choices website.
If you are experiencing any problems with childcare costs, please come and speak to us so that we can work together to find a solution that works for everyone.  We're very approachable, so please don't be scared to come and have a chat!
Help raise funds for our garden renovation!

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Use easyfundraising to shop with over 3,500 retailers including Amazon, Argos, Asda, Sainsburys, Tesco, John Lewis, ASOS,, eBay, Boden, and M&S, plus thousands more!

Every time you shop, you’ll raise a free donation for Dragonflies Day Nursery - Eastleigh every time, it’s that easy! 

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